Detroit Pistons: next step is huge

Embed from Getty Images The Detroit Pistons, brought in senior adviser Ed Stefanski  last week. He is being tasked to bring in the teams next general manger. This is a critical next step Detroit must get right.

Weeks after Detroit Pistons, owner Tom Gores fired head coach, team president and general manager Stan Van Gundy. He reached out to other NBA owner to find a person who would oversee the hiring of important front office personal. Ed Stefansky was the overwhelming name that Gores contiuned to hear.

Stefansky, has helped the Lakers, 76ers and L.A. Clippers, rebuild their front offices in recent year. He has the reputation of knowing the dynamics need to run a team. He has a knack for finding general managers who few people have heard of and let them grow into the position.

Tom Gores, has point blank to Ed Stefansky, to bring in a general manager first. Names like Shane Battier and Jerry Stackhouse are being tossed out for the position. I am sure there will be other names as well.

This is a HUGE must get right moment for the franchise. The general manager will bring in his head coach. It is very possible Stefansky will have a say in who that coach is given his sparkling resume on turning teams around.

Detroit Pistons fans, can be somewhat happy in the fact that Gores is actulayy seeking help for his team. Not only help. But proven help. It will be interesting to see where Ed Stefansky leads the Detroit Pistons. It is a safe bet it will be in a better place.