Detroit Tigers: Christian Stewart providing a boost

Embed from Getty Images Detroit Tigers outfielder Christian Stewart got a September call up. He has simply put, been on fire.


Two homer runs. In the same game. In the same place in the ballpark. Christian Stewart is living up to his billing. Stewart has “Stupid power,”  according to teammate Jeimer Candelario. Christian had big crowds around him during pregame batting practice. His own teammates, Detroit media, as well as players from the opposing team and their media.


Christian Stewart is a key part of the Tigers rebuild. He still has issues in the field and does not run all that well. But a player with the hitting tools Stewart has at his disposal will always have a roster spot.


In his Detroit “cup of coffee” (fancy, yet odd way of saying getting a look for next season.) Stewart has 43 at bats, 5 runs, 10 hits, 2 home runs, 7 rbi and 6 walks. Hitting .233.


Christian Stewart is not going to hit for average. That is not his job and the Detroit Tigers did not draft him to hit .300. Stewart will come close to 40 home runs and 80+ rbi’s. That is the reason the Tigers drafted him.


His most likely destined spot in the Detroit batting order is fourth or fifth. That is where power and rib’s are needed. Stewart has shown he can handle it. He still needs to learn to lay off the high stuff. He does chase balls out of the strike zone at times.


But when he is locked in he can do some serious damage. As I alluded to before. Christian Stewart is a big part of the Detroit Tigers rebuild. Even if my gut feeling is correct and he is just a designated hitter (D.H.) The spark he can provide is enough to warrant hype.


While not my absolute favorite player in the Detroit Tigers pipeline. I do like Christian Stewart a lot. He will be a HUGE asset when the Tigers come out of their rebuild and begin to play relative baseball in the near future.


He is one of many reasons to continue to follow the young Tigers through the process of getting better. I fully expect Stewart to break camp with the Tigers next season. With Tigers D.H. Victor Martinez retiring Stewart could slide into that role seamlessly.