I am a self proclaimed sports junkie. I am married to a beautiful woman who is blessed in the arts. We have friends some of which are shared and some of which are hers and some are mine. Yet, all of our friends seem to have some artistic abilities. Like crazy good abilities. I guess being surrounded by all this art has rubbed off on me a bit.

“What exactly am I doing?” This is the phrase that ran through my mind as I attempted to draw Yoda. Yes, Yoda. You know, the Jedi Master. Having not put pen, marker or colored pencil to paper in well years.
Somehow, I was able to make lines, bumps and squiggles and it actually resembled the great Jedi Master. Well sort of. I chose Yoda, because aside from God, family, sports, I am a Star Wars nerd of epic proportions.
My wife told me it looked good. Now, one should expect a loved one to be so kind. But, she also offered some tips so that was what I really liked. After all listening is a great tool.
So now that I have also drawn other Star Wars characters, I am slowly starting to get the hang of it. One thing that is great about art is it does not have to be perfect. Not only that but sometimes we are our own worst critic.

Art is free and should not be constrained or boxed into something it is not. So Bob Ross really was correct when he said “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” That is why art is and should be free. Free to be imperfect and look odd or what have you.
This is the grace that art gives. It does not care what the finished product looks like. Neither should you or I.