Dave Filoni was one of the executive producers of Star Wars Rebels, which now seems more relevant than ever given current Star Wars content. The fan favorite show quickly made it’s way into the hearts of Star Wars fans, taking place 14 years after Star Wars, Episode III, Revenge of the Sith and 5 years before Star Wars, Episode, IV, A New Hope, at a time when the Empire had full grasp of the galaxy.
With a very original trilogy feel to it, Rebels (as it is known to the fan base) also has a newer feel to it which gave it great balance along with new characters. Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Ashoka Tano, and Grand Admiral Thrawn who were the main focus of the show. Keep that in mind.
The show did not overshadow the original trilogy characters, instead it created a more layered story to the entire Star Wars arc. Even roughly 15 years after Rebels aired, current Star Wars content is circling back to the show and it’s characters.

Now, let’s circle back to Ashoka Tano and Grand Admiral Thrawn (Thrawn.) With Andor and Obi-Wan Kenobi set to be released this year and possibly The Mandalorian Season 3, it seems likely Ashoka, will be released some time in 2023.
We know from Season 2 of The Mandalorian, Ashoka has set out to find, you got it none other than Thrawn. What is unknown at this time is if some of the other crew (Ezra, Wren, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper, Zeb Orrelios) of the Ghost will be making an appearance.
Given the way Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau have brought the likes of Boba Fett and Luke Skywalker back it would not surprise anyone to see other beloved characters brought back as well. A side note Dave Filoni, voiced Chopper (a droid) on Rebels.

The fact that both Ashoka and Thrawn are directly from Rebels lends to the thought there very could be other’s from the show making an appearance as well. Which would bring more joy to Star Wars fans as well as continue to layer the overall Star Wars story.