Columbus Blue Jackets: NHL refs

Embed from Getty Images To error is human. We have all heard that phrase at some point during our life. NHL referee’s unfortunately take that phrase to a whole new level of bad.

Last night in game one of the Columbus Blue Jackets vs Washington Capitols, playoff series. There were bad calls and flat out no calls both ways. They were in short a joke.

Blue Jackets, winger Josh Anderson, checked a Washington player hard and was called for a 5 minute game misconduct and ejected from the game. Upon further review it was just that a good hard check. Not the boarding call the referee’s cast upon him.

I’m not going to miss the COUNTLESS tripping calls that did not get whistled. Then there was Washington Capitols, defensmen Tom Wilson’s lunge (which by NHL rules is a game misconduct and automatic ejection) at Columbus center Alexander Wennberg’s head what was the call? Charging . A player gets hit in the head and the referee’s call a charge?

The NHL has in my opinion a monumental problem. For a league that beats the player safety drum the referee’s they employ are horrible. And that is putting it kindly.

I really think the NFL needs to either fine or suspend ref’s who miss a call that costs a team a loss or a player who sustains an injury as a direct result of blowing calls.  They have been horribly bad this entire season. Something must be done.

The NHL, is embarrassing it’s self.

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