Remember when you were a child (you may very well be a child now) and something you were looking forward to seemed far off? As the months turned to weeks and then to days, the excitement built up until it reached a fever pitch. That is what current children who signed up for this years Legends Camp are feeling. The camp is just around the corner.

Soon children, adults, brother, sisters and all athletes will begin to file into the Brookwood Athletic complex in Clare, Michigan. Popcorn, candy, other food will begin to fill the complex’s air. And then the moment that has been building for quite some time will unfold.
As athletes take their place to get the days instructions, former NFL players will start to filter into the complex. Adults will reminisce about the players and the time they played in the NFL. Children will feel a steady blend of anxiousness and awe as they look into faces that have played football at the sports most elite level.
The athletes will be broken down into position groupings. Wide receivers will go with other receivers, linebackers with linebackers, and so on. Friendships will be made and memories will become cherished as the years move on.
Former Detroit Lions and NFL wide receiver Jeff Chadwick and his team of volunteers do an outstanding job in preparing for the camp. Every detail is covered the goal is to get children out of the house. It is also a great tool in helping athletes stay in shape and focused on the game. That way when time comes for football practice for the school they attend they have an upper hand of sorts, being that they took part in a camp taught by former NFL players.

While many spots have been filled, there is still a little room for a few more athletes. Make sure you check out Jeff Chadwick’s website in the link provided. There you will find a phone number to call for any and all questions.
As a writer, I am looking forward to the Legends Camp. To see athletes running around being put through a series reps under the watchful eyes of former players.
Are you or someone you know heading to the Legends Camp? Leave a comment and let people know why your excited for the even that happens July 13th and 14th