#MakeSolo2Happen gets backing from a Star Wars actor

Embed from Getty Images  Solo: A Star Wars Story hit theaters last summer. It grossed $400 million. Yet it was deemed a failure at the box office. Many hard core Star Wars fans point the finger at “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” for souring public opinion. Many fans missed a great film in theaters.

Star Wars fans set a  trend on Twitter, #MakeSolo2Happen. This is from fans who loved the spinoff film to show their support. The movement blew Twitter up. It gave fans a voice.

Solo director Ron Howard even joined in the Twitter fray, by agreeing with fans. Now one of the films stars Joonas Suotamo, who is now in the Chewbacca costume,  has made it clear on Twitter that he’s up for any potential sequel. Has made his feeling well known:


Needless to say fans are happy to have a Star Wars actor who is backing there pleas with Disney/ Lucasfilm. It feels like there is unity with fans and actors and director to make a sequel to a very good, very underrated Star Wars film.

After December’s “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,” the franchise will not see another film until 2022, which as of this moment appears to be “Star Wars: The Old Republic.” The hope is that Disney/ Lucasfilm will at the very least listen to the fans the way Marvel does.

Marvel listens to the fans and releases movies based on fan suggestions. Something Star Wars should take a cue from. Even if it is down the road a bit. A second Solo story should be made. There are many ways to approach the film. It has some solid possibilities.

Time will tell. But the campaign started on Twitter did make noise. Now fans will wait and see just how loud it was.



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