Draw close to Jesus

Embed from Getty Images I am not a bible scholar, I am a follower of Jesus. I have a firm understanding of His word because my wife, children and myself are consistent in reading our bible’s. Why? It is a mirror for ones self. It is also a look into the future.

In my opinion, We are living in the days before the Son of Man returns to the earth. Many things both nationally (in the United States) and globally have taken place since January 1, 2020. Let us now take a look and you can judge for yourself.

Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.- Luke 21:10

By now everyone knows the protests and riots taking place because an African American man was killed. Racial tensions have reached the boiling point and now we have nation against nation. The other words spoken by Jesus are sure to follow.

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:11

As events have unfolded from COVID-19, murder hornets, racial tensions, other things have been brought up. Such as a mutant tick in Russia.  One problem, in doing a little digging around, The Daily Mail is a tabloid. Allowing the outlet to fall under the false prophet category. There have been other as well. Just as Jesus said there would be.

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Matthew 24:12

There is no way to sugar coat this. There is a lot of wickedness in the world today. From politicians, state officials, police officers, to neighbors. It is only going to increase as we move forward.

It goes on and on and on. It will continue. It needs to. Once God, a prophet or Jesus spoke it into being there was no going or getting around it. There is no fairy tale ending to this venture.

Jesus will take His church off of the earth and the Holy Spirit and all hell will break loose. At this point the only thing 2020 could offer that to God’s people would be no surprise, the anti -christ to be revealed.

This is where we appear to be today. It is time for God’s church to be active! To be working for Him and not sitting on the sidelines being lukewarm.

Praise God, for Jesus the only way to escape death and destruction. Repent, join the living with the King of Kings and Lord or Lords.


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