As summer gains momentum, vacation season gains momentum. I do not know about you, but after the year we have all been through I am ready for a vacation. Just a break. Both mental and physical. I mean all things considered I am good mentally. Physically is a different story, but relax I will not bore you with the details. Vacations are more than just a break from the day to day grind, here’s why.

No matter if you work a job and when you come home you are brain-drained or work a job that demands a lot of physical motions it is important to relax and give your body a break, for more than a regular two day weekend. The brain and body need time off to catch a break and just be.
Vacations also allow us to see another part of the location we choose. It gives us a break from the same old, same old. Sometimes the cities and suburbs we live in can seem like a four walled house. It is nice to get out and get away.
COVID 19, did not allow for social gatherings. I am not a huge fan of gathering with strangers, but maybe I will get over that and embrace what I once did not. I am not opposed to people mind you, I go to farmers markets and other events where there are people. But a different place is slightly different when being with large crowds.
When I do go on vacation I seem to always wind up on a lake or ocean or some form of body of water. Why? It is pretty simple. I find water relaxing. I swim, but I am not a huge swimmer. I sit on the beach or next to a pool and in those simple moments I find that is when I am able to relax and refocus.

As I am set to head out tomorrow on vacation, I am actually looking forward to the drive, stopping for gas and food. It is the little things that after last year I will not take for granted again.
I am looking forward to a week on the beach.