Detroit sports are sick! 2020 offers some much needed medicine

Embed from Getty Images To say 2019 has been rough for the Detroit Pistons, Tigers, Lions and Red Wings, is like saying the sun is hot. While the Tigers and Red Wings are deep in rebuilds, the Lions as it turns out are in one as well, there was never an official announcement which angered fans. The Pistons are an older NBA team up against the salary cap which kept them from upgrading the team in much needed areas. So what does 2020 hold for the four Detroit franchises?

For the Detroit Pistons and Red Wings and Tigers the first thing 2020 brings in salary cap relief. Not only cap relief but a lot of it. With expiring contracts in upwards of $190 million dollars, the Detroit Tigers will begin the 2020 off-season (yes it is a ways away) ready to enter free agent bidding wars. Steve Yzerman and the Red Wings will see nearly $19 million come off the books, I do not think Yzerman will chase big name free agents after this season. I believe he wants to see the organizations top prospects develop a bit more. The Pistons will have an estimated $65 million freed up to improve the team.

What about the Detroit Lions, you ask? The NFL just announced next years salary cap and the Lions will have at the very least $50 million to improve a defense that woefully under-performed in 2019.

The Lions, Tigers and Red Wings all will have a top three draft pick in next years NFL, MLB and NHL amateur drafts. The Detroit Tigers do in fact have the number one overall draft pick and because they finished dead last in 2019 the Tigers have been awarded a compensation draft pick, the team will have two second round draft picks. The Red Wings are currently dead last in the NHL in points and have a real shot at the first overall pick in 2020.

The Pistons, with all of the issues they have are a fringe playoff team. If they do not improve they will be a lottery team and looking at a top ten draft pick. The Detroit Lions currently have the third pick in the NFL draft and depending on what happens could move up to number two.

For rebuilding teams draft picks are the most important life-line. Next summer’s MLB and NHL drafts offer the most talent baseball and hockey has seen in on a draft in nearly two full decades. Setting the Tigers and Red Wings up nicely in terms of getting the absolute best players.

2020, offers three of Detroit’s four professional sports organizations real hope for a brighter tomorrow. Of the Detroit teams, I have the most trust in the Red Wings. Because of Steve Yzerman. One of the best general managers in all of sports is set to have a top three overall draft pick and over $18 million in cap space. I believe the Red Wings rebuild gets done first.


Detroit sports media is a joke

Embed from Getty Images Never in my life have I seen such a negative response to a coach. Never in my life have I seen sports writers who are a joke and quiet frankly and embarrassment to their profession.


Two Detroit Lions beat writers who work at the same news outlet seem to have a vendetta against Detroit Lions head coach Matt Patricia.


With two (now one) game remaining on the 2018 season they could write about how Golden Tate is doing in Philadelphia. They could write about how Lions general manager Bob Quinn overvalued his roster and depth. They could write about free agency fits for the team.


Was that the focus? No! If it was they would seem like solid reporters. So what did the two Bozo’s write about? Matt Patricia’s tardiness to team meeting and press conferences. No, seriously. Absolutely nothing else to report on.


The two even went on to talk to a former Detroit Lions player. This is like a third grader who saw something and went and told the teacher. What are these two morons trying to get exactly.


They must have a master plan. After all it has been all the talk in their publication for three days. So they must have a prize or something they are gunning for.


Speaking of the publication. Shame on them for not only running the stories. But for allowing these two unprofessional writers to then carry onĀ  social media.


A coach is late this is headline news?

Detroit sports: Little Caesars Arena does not take paper tickets

Embed from Getty Images Going to a sporting event has moved into a much needed upgrade. With the Detroit Pistons and Red Wings sharing the same home (for now,) paper tickets are a thing of the past.


In my younger days I was guilty of hanging onto my ticket stubs. Lions, Red Wings, Pistons, Tigers. It was an “I was there” statement of sorts. To one day look back and remember something special. I even had a ticket stub box.


Technology, seems to have won. Little Caesars Arena announced they are implementing mobile tickets only. To an older generation of fans this may seem overwhelming. To a younger generation that is phone driven it seems natural. The bottom line is getting into a game.


No more printing the tickets on the way out the door and cursing because the ink is almost dry and your not sure if they will be able to scan them at the door. Thanks to the District Detroit app allows fans to purchase tickets and display them for scanning at the door. It really is a blessing.


Just download the District Detroit app on your devise. I am torn. I grew up in an era paper tickets were the norm. Now there is a new norm. It will take some getting use to. There will be no more holding onto a stub and remembering a Miguel Cabrera home run or a Dylan Larkin goal.


Instead, I suppose I could take a screen shot of the ticket. And remember it that way. The good in all of this is no more forgetting the tickets. As most everyone carries their phone with them. The worry then would be if the phone is charged and as enough juice.


I will not be sad for the good old days when I had proof I was at a certain game. No. I will in turn embrace those times and work on getting up to date with the new ticket policies.