The Star Wars Stormtroopers got their start as a Clone that came from Bounty Hunter Jango Fett’s DNA under the order of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. One can only assume that through time and the fact that clones become watered down versions of earlier clones, that is why the classic Stormtroopers struggled with shooting accuracy. Star Wars boasts of some pretty cool Stormtroopers. But which is the best? Let’s dive in.

The Deathtrooper, this all black Trooper first appeared in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” who got their orders from Director Krennic, the intimidating looking Deathtrooper also was seen on “The Mandalorian.” Much taller than the regular Trooper and much more deadly. A fan favorite of Star Wars fans for good reason.
The Scout Troopers, the leaner, sleeker Trooper has to be lean because the zip around on Speeder Bikes chancing down their targets. First seen in “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi,” This Trooper also made a comeback on “The Mandalorian.”

Stormtroopers, while I did mention the poor shooting, hold a special place in hearts and minds of Star Wars fans Because they are the first one seen on screen. Blasting their way onto the Tantive IV paving the way for Darth Vader in “Star Wars: A New Hope,” They oozed of cool.
The “Empire Strikes Back” gave us the technically advanced Snowtrooper. Able to work in extreme cold conditions the Snowtrooper is the most distinctive looking trooper.
Those are the Stormtroopers I think are the best of Star Wars. Drop a comment as to which Stormtrooper or Stormtrooper’s you believe are the best. I’d love to hear about it.